Campsite Rules

  • These Regulations contain the general rules of conduct to fallow when staying at the Club del Sole Group Facilities and are available on the

  • Entering the Facility implies implicit acceptance of these Regulations in their entirety.

  • All the Facility personnel are authorized to ensure that the Regulations are complied with and will report any breach to the Management.

  • The Management reserves the right to integrate these Regulations at any time for the better operation of the Facility and use of its services.


  1. On arrival, Clients are required to provide all the information requested for the check-in procedure to the Reception Desk.

  2. At the end of the check-in process, a personal identification bracelet-pass, not transferable to third parties, will be given to the Client and any accompanying person. The identification pass must be worn at all times for the duration of the stay and must be shown on request of the Facility personnel. People inside the Facility without the pass will be expelled and, at the discretion of the Management, be reported to the authorities for housebreaking pursuant to art. 614 of the Criminal Code.

  3. Parents, guardians or legal guardians assume full responsibility for statements made about the identity of minors accompanying them.

  4. Where the service is available, the Reception Desk will assign a parking space and a car pass that will allow access according to the procedures established by these Regulations.

  5. Where the parking service is available, the vehicle must always be parked within the limits of the pitch and, in the case of housing units, in the assigned parking spot.

  6. The Management reserves the right, at its sole discretion, not to accept undesirable persons or an excessive number of visitors.

  7. Accommodations are available to Clients from 5:00 p.m. on the day of arrival, while pitches are available from 12:00 p.m. on the day of arrival.

  8. Pitches and accommodation units are assigned by the Management.

  9. The Management reserves the right to allow access to daytime visitors. Visitors may enter upon submission of an identity document and payment of the entrance fee where applicable. The visit is free if short (maximum 1 hour) depending on the organizational needs of the Facility. Visiting minors must be accompanied by an adult to access the Facility. Guests can access the Facility from 8:00 am to 11:30 pm for a daytime visit.


  1. Accommodation and pitches must be left by 10:00 a.m. on the day of departure by handing over the keys and passes to the Reception Desk.

  2. Clients must pay any amount due at the end of their stay only to the Reception Desk. Any other method of payment will not be considered valid.


  1. The use of all common areas and equipment such as, for example, swimming pool, playground, etc. must be carried out respecting all other Clients.

  2. Clients are responsible for damages and/or any consequences resulting from the improper use of all common areas and equipment.

  3. Clients are required to hand over the keys of their units to Reception Desk when they leave the Facility.

  4. The regulations of the various areas and equipment can be found in specific notices posted at the Reception Desk or near the concerned areas.

  5. Beach service, unless otherwise agreed, is always subject to the payment of the fee in use from time to time and compliance with local regulations.

  6. To use the pool and its equipment, it is mandatory to comply with the instructions provided by the appointed personnel.

  7. Services and areas for RVs/camper/tents must be used according to the methods specified by the Management and by specific notices located in the concerned areas.

  8. The Clients must place their equipment within the delimited spaces and according to the instructions received from the staff of the Facility, the Clients' equipment must never occupy common spaces or those of other Clients.

  9. Any change of pitch must be approved by the Management or its appointed personnel.

  10. The Management and its appointed personnel are authorized to access the accommodation at any time, even if the Client is not present.


  1. To ensure the safety of all Clients, the use of cars and motorcycles is authorized within the Facility only if necessary and at a maximum speed of 10 km/h.

  2. Except for special needs, to be notified in advance to the Management, or in cases of exceptional emergency, the circulation of any vehicle from midnight to 7:00 am is strictly forbidden.

  3. All cars and motorcycles inside the Facility must bear the distinguishing mark issued by the Management. In case of vehicles without mark, or if the mark is not easily visible, they will be towed without notice and all costs and liability shall be borne by the vehicle's owner.

  4. The use of bicycles, skateboards, scooters, or any other means of transport on wheels not equipped with a motor is allowed, unless expressly forbidden by the Management and notified through appropriate signs or notices.

  5. Using electric bicycles, electric scooters, and hover boards is forbidden to minors.

  6. In order to respect the quiet enjoyment of the Facility, it is mandatory for all Clients to avoid behaviors, activities, games and use of equipment that may cause disturbance outside the designated areas.

  7. In particular, from 2:00 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. and from midnight to 7.00 a.m., noise that may cause inconvenience to Clients is forbidden. The Management reserves the right to expel Clients who, in its sole discretion, may cause trouble or breach the aforementioned regulations.


  1. Littering is strictly forbidden to ensure cleanliness and environmental preservation. Each Client is required to use the appropriate waste collection points in accordance with the regulations on separate waste collection.

  2. Each Client is required not to modify and/or damage the equipment, vegetation and grounds of the Facility.

  3. Each Client is required not to waste or misuse drinking water.

  4. Each Client is required not to light fires outdoors. The use of barbecues is allowed only if permitted by the Facility, if it does not cause disturbance to neighbors and only in designated areas, always with a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher ready to use.

  5. Smoking inside the housing units of the Facility is prohibited.


  1. Each Client is required to refrain from installing fences, tying or anchoring anything to plants, pulling ropes at eye level and installing anything else that may constitute a potential danger or be an obstacle to free passage.

  2. Each Client is liable both civilly and criminally for the use of defective electrical equipment or damaged cables. The Management invites the Client to comply with the requirements of conformity of the equipment used and to supervise their condition.

  3. For every pitch, where present in the Facility, the Client may only use one gas cylinder with a maximum capacity of 10 liters.

  4. For the installation of gazebos and tarpaulins the use of fireproof materials with EC certification is mandatory.

  5. The use of cooking areas inside the housing units of the Facility, where present, is allowed only after authorization by the Management.

  6. Using food warming or cooking equipment inside the housing units of the Facility is prohibited.

  7. The Facility shall not be liable for any theft of property belonging to Clients if not stored in the appropriate safety boxes at the Reception Desk.


  1. Minors under the age of 18 may access the facility only accompanied by a parent, guardian or legal representative. Minors unaccompanied by those exercising parental authority may access the facility upon submission of the appropriate farm duly signed by the parent or guardian.

  2. The parent, guardian and/or legal representative of the minor is obligated to monitor the conduct of the minor during his/her stay at the facility and is responsible for any action and/or omission of the minor.


  1. Access to pets may be authorized only by the Management and in the maximum number of two pets per booking.

  2. Pets, especially dogs, must always be kept on a 1.5 m leash. The owners of the pets, or their holders, are directly liable for any damage to persons or property caused by the pets.

  3. Pet access to the beach of the Facility is governed by local regulations and is subject to the unquestionable verification by the Management to the availability of equipment and space suitable for the health and welfare of the animal.

  4. Clients who do not disclose the presence of their pet at the time of booking must register it at the time of arrival and they will receive a housing facility/pitch in the area specifically dedicated where available, and after payment of any extra charge.

  5. Dogs without microchips, not regularly vaccinated, without a vaccination booklet and not regularly registered at the dog registry are not allowed at the Facility. Dogs registered in the bite register are not allowed at the Facility.

  6. Clients with dogs are required to bring with them, and always have handy, a soft or hard muzzle to use in case of need or at the request of the Facility personnel.

  7. In compliance with current legislation in farce on the matter, Clients are required to clean after their pets.

  8. Failure to comply with the regulations listed above will lead to the application of a penalty from € 50 to € 250, in addition to the right to expel the Client from the Facility.


  1. During events at the Facility and in areas open to the public marked specific signs and notices, audio/video recordings or photographs may be made for promotional purposes.

  2. By attending the above events, or in those areas, the Clients authorize, pursuant to Articles 10 and 320 of the Civil Code and Articles 96 and 97 l.n. No. 633/1941, the use of these photos or videos free of charge, by the Club del Sole Group, for promotional and/or commercial purposes. The Clients who do not wish to authorize the transfer of the afore­ mentioned exploitation rights must avoid attending the events or entering the related areas.

  3. Any parent, guardian or legal representative in charge of a minor is aware that during events at the facility and in the areas open to the public, marked by appropriate signs and notices, the minor may be filmed or photographed for promotional and/or commercial activities. The parents, guardians or legal representatives authorize the Club del Sole Group, free of charge, to publish and/or disseminate in any form the above images and/or video for promotional purposes, waiving all exploitation rights.


  1. The processing of the Client's personal data occurs in compliance with these Regulations and with the legislation on the protection of privacy as per privacy policy available at the Reception Desk of the Facility, published on the website as well as on the Club Del Sole App.


  1. Where available, the Client may use the My Smart Cash service. The related regulations are an integral part of the Regulations of the Facility and will be available at the Reception Desk and published on the website, as well as on the Club del Sole App.


  1. If the Client is suffering from an infectious disease, he/she must immediately inform the Management.



  1. Any item lost or found shall be made available at the Reception Desk.

  2. The Management invites guests to take the utmost care of their personal belongings and to hand over to the Reception Desk or to the Facility employees any unattended items found at the Facility.


Except for the cases of expulsion established in these regulations and detailed above, the Management reserves the right to expel with immediate effect those who, in its unquestionable opinion, are in breach of the Regulations or cause disturbance to other Clients.